Some Healing Messages for Artists with Wounded Parts

Jess Baldwin
Creativity Coaching for Singers
2 min readApr 2, 2023


Photo by kychan on Unsplash

I often find in creative recovery work that at least one part of the artist’s mind/heart/spirit was wounded in childhood, usually due to emotional abuse and neglect.

If a wound isn’t tended to and healed at the time of injury, the artist adopts protective behaviors to prevent a similar wound. Those protective behaviors then stand in the way of the free, curious, courageous playful creativity the artist is seeking. These kinds of original wounds need to heal in order for your creative birthright to be fully restored.

Thankfully, this is possible. I highly recommend working with a good trauma-informed therapist who uses methods like Somatic Experiencing, Internal Family Systems, EMDR, etc.

Healing Messages

Adapted from The Emotionally Absent Mother by Jasmin Lee Cori

The following are wonderful messages you can use in your creative journey when a wounded part needs some emotional affirmation and healing.

Imagine your True Self clearly speaking these messages to the wounded part.

Beginning the day or beginning a creative session with them can be very powerful.

I’m glad that you’re here.

You are valued and wanted.

I see you.

I know what you like and what you don’t. I know your interests and how you feel about things.

You are special to me.

You are prized.

I respect you.

I support your uniqueness. I won’t control you when I don’t need to. I accept your preferences and decisions.

I love you.

I love you sincerely and authentically, without manipulation or expectation. I show you through appropriate touch, tone of voice, eyes and facial expression, body language, and attentiveness. I also show you love by providing clear boundaries and rules.

Your needs are important to me.

You can turn to me for help, and I will be there without making you feel like you’re inconveniencing me or that I’m only doing it because I have to.

I am here for you.

I’ll make time for you. You can count on me. I’m not going to disappear on you. I am here as a consistent presence in your life. You are a priority to me.

I’ll keep you safe.

I’ll protect you. I won’t let you be unnecessarily hurt or overwhelmed.

You can rest in me.

With me, you can be at home. You can be totally yourself. You don’t have to perform.

I delight in you.

You are a joy to be around. You are precious to me, and I light up when you are around.

May you create and enjoy loving, joyful space for your artist. I’m here if you need a supportive coach to help you bring more of these messages into your creative practice.



Jess Baldwin
Creativity Coaching for Singers

I help singers and creatives feel the fulfillment of finished projects that help them shine brighter.